Benefits of Using a Mobile Crane instead of a Tower Crane

If you’re wondering what type of crane to use for an upcoming project, you should know that there are many advantages to using a mobile crane instead of a tower crane. Because the tower crane must be installed in place, it has some decided limitations. Before you opt for one crane or another, be sure to get to know all the benefits associated with mobile cranes.

Mobile Crane Overview

Mobile cranes come in various types and sizes. A basic mobile crane might be a fairly simple machine that has telescopic boom attached to its platform. On the other hand, a large, full-sized mobile crane may be loaded with multiple attachments that can perform various tasks. Read more about the different types of mobile cranes.


The largest benefit of a mobile crane is its flexibility and, of course, its mobility. In urban situations, in particular, where multiple obstructions are present, a mobile crane is uniquely suited to the setting. A mobile crane is able to access narrow passages and sites that have a limited amount of entrance space. In many cases, a static crane simply cannot be set up practically for many types of settings. In these cases, the flexible mobile crane is the ideal solution.

Fast Setup Time

Another benefit of using a mobile crane on a construction site is the ease by which it can be set up for the job. A tower crane requires a longer amount of time to set up. Because the mobile crane’s set-up is so fast, the time to complete a required task is also shortened. This is essential since time is definitely money on the construction site. A ready crane helps speed up the construction project and reduces the time other workers must wait for pertinent tasks to be completed.

Space Saver

A mobile crane does not require a large footprint and doesn’t generally require a lot of space. For situations that require a tight fit, a mobile crane is usually the only option, especially in a busy city location. With its limited working area space, a mobile crane can tackle the same type of job that a static crane could tackle—only requiring less space to manage the work.


Even though a mobile crane may be considerably smaller than a tower crane, it has all the brawn needed to perform comparable lifting tasks. With its heavy duty axles and innovative hydraulic power, a mobile crane has the power needed to safely and efficiently lift heavy materials to required heights. With a mobile crane, strength simply isn’t an issue; these cranes are tough and designed to lift heavy loads.

Less Problematic

If there’s a problem with a tower crane, considerable time is going to be needed to apply the fix. With a mobile crane, any problems associated with the truck can be eliminated with a truck swap. Providing the second truck can accommodate the weight of the crane, the upgrade can be managed safely and efficiently.

Cost Efficient

Last but certainly not least, a mobile crane is invariably the cheaper solution of the two crane options. Building a tower crane from the ground up involves hefty labor costs. On the other hand, a mobile crane involves little set-up time so there’s little cost involved in the set-up portion of the job. Setting up a crane tower takes a lot of time, so if your construction firm is paying for the equipment and staff by the hour, it’s going to involve a substantial price tag.

It’s no surprise that many construction teams are opting to use a mobile cranes over tower cranes whenever possible. If you have questions about using mobile cranes or want to rent one for your upcoming project, be sure to contact us for more information.

3 Responses

  1. Thank you for informing me of why it is a good choice to rent a mobile crane. It is good to know that these cranes are smaller than tower cranes but are strong enough to get the job done. It would be good to check out a few different services to ensure you find one that offers not only a crane but an operator as well if you are inexperienced in working this machinery.

  2. Your point about being able to simply swap out the mobile crane truck for another in case something goes wrong make a lot of sense. I would imagine that this would be really convenient for a construction crew working on a tight schedule. Paired with the fact that they can be set up quickly, it sounds like a mobile crane is a great solution. Of course, checking to make sure that it is right for the project first would be important.

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