10 Money-Saving Tips for Your Next Crane Rental

Wouldn’t you love to avoid spending more money than is absolutely necessary on crane service? No matter what project you have in mind, you can save money on your crane rental when you keep the following tips in mind. Use them each time you contract for crane service.

Sized Right

When renting your crane, it’s important to order the right size for your lift or the items you need hoisted. Renting a more powerful crane than you need is going to increase the price tag of your rental. Before contacting Pro Lift Crane Service, for example, it’s ideal to know what you are lifting for a more accurate estimate.

Note Obstructions

It’s important to note any obstructions associated with your task site. Trees, building height, and wires need mentioning so that your load can be safely hoisted above or around these obstructions. It can make the task go more smoothly if your crane operator understands ahead of time the nature of your setting and what’s going to be involved with the task.

Move Obstacles

In order to save time and money on your crane rental, it’s essential to move vehicles away from the area where you’ll be working. Also, be sure to clear away any objects or debris that could impede the crane from doing its work. Depending on how much space is required for the type of crane you rent, you may even want to notify your neighbors and ask them to remove their vehicles from the area as well.

Ask About Setup Space Requirements

Be sure to ask for recommendations regarding set-up space. Even after removing obstacles, you may need to make additional accommodations depending on the size of the crane you hire. By readying the space before your crane arrives, you can save money on your project. You’re going to be charged even if your crane is idling; to ensure that you pay for a working crane, it’s essential to set up your space before your crane arrives.

Stage Hoisted Items

Be sure that the items your crane will be hoisting are unobstructed and ready to be lifted. These items should not be within a structure or located beneath power lines, wires, or tree branches. In order for your crane operator to safely hoist lift materials, the items must be out in the open where the crane can easily reach them. By having lifts ready to be hoisted, you can cut down on the time needed to complete your task.

Order Multiple Items

If you are planning to lift multiple items, be sure to stage them in the order that you want the crane to lift them. Also, be sure these items are not staged in your crane’s set-up zone, but within easy distance from the crane.

Avoid Peak Traffic Hours

Since you’re going to be charged for all of the time your crane rental is in your possession, be sure to avoid driving it during rush hour traffic times. The middle of the day is a great time for transporting this equipment.

Assist the Operator

You can enhance the smooth operation of your crane and cut down on time by assisting the crane operator when possible. For example, it’s often helpful to direct traffic while your crane operator is performing work. If your crane operator needs to back the crane into your setting, you can also assist by helping them safely navigate into the designated set-up area.

Hire a Reputable Contractor

Remember, you can also save on your crane rental when you hire a reputable outfit that’s known for its fair pricing like Pro Lift Crane Service. We will let you know rental rates up front so you understand exactly what you’re paying for when you make your crane reservation. Pro Lift Crane Service can also advise you about what type of crane is ideal for your project in order to save you money.

Keep these helpful tips in mind each time you contract with a crane rental company. By following each one of these tips, you can save substantially on your crane rental.

7 Responses

  1. I’m glad you mention moving obstacles out of the crane’s intended path! This will make things go much more smoothly when it arrives. You’ll be able to get much more done in a much more efficient manner if you think ahead and clear the way!

  2. It is good to know that moving vehicles away from the area where you will be working is beneficial when it comes to renting a crane. It would be nice to save time and money through these efforts. Another thing to do would be to fully inspect the crane before use to ensure that parts are in tact and functioning properly.

  3. I do like that one of the article’s suggestions is to make sure that the items you need moved are properly staged. By doing this you make sure that the crane can get in and move them without any obstructions. Not only does this make your time moving the crane more efficient, but it lowers the risk of you having an accident as well.

  4. You made a really good point about moving vehicles out of the way before renting a crane. I imagine that most crane rentals are probably pay by the hour, so saving as much time as you can before the rental process begins would be smart. It would probably also help to try and find a crane rental place that is close to your work location.

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